
ReignOverMeisa2007AmericanbuddydramafilmwrittenanddirectedbyMikeBinder,producedbyhisbrotherJackBinder,andstarringAdamSandler, ...,AmanwholosthisfamilyintheSeptember11attackonNewYorkCityrunsintohisoldcollegeroommate.Rekindlingthefriendshipistheonethingthat ...,,AdamSandler,DonCheadle,JadaPinkettSmithandLivTylerstarinthisheart-rendingstoryaboutCharlieFineman(Sandler),whohasslippedawayfrom ...,20...

Reign Over Me

Reign Over Me is a 2007 American buddy drama film written and directed by Mike Binder, produced by his brother Jack Binder, and starring Adam Sandler, ...

Reign Over Me (2007)

A man who lost his family in the September 11 attack on New York City runs into his old college roommate. Rekindling the friendship is the one thing that ...

Reign Over Me

Adam Sandler, Don Cheadle, Jada Pinkett Smith and Liv Tyler star in this heart-rending story about Charlie Fineman (Sandler), who has slipped away from ...

[私感]Reign Over Me《從心開始》 - 幽暗微光

2007年11月12日 — 在911事件失去妻女(還有一隻狗),失去溫暖家庭的潦倒男子, 而想要對他伸出援手。 ... 在曼哈頓的街頭竄行, 手持著ipod,帶著耳機,好隔絕外界不想聽見的 ...

《Reign Over Me》

查理在突然失去妻兒後,有如行屍走肉,當他遇上大學時代的室友艾倫(唐奇鐸飾)時,查理的人生突然明朗起來;艾倫則在家庭與事業的雙重責任壓力下感到無比吃力。他們的巧遇 ...


《從心開始》(英語:Reign Over Me)是一部2007年的電影,亞當·山德勒(Adam Sandler)飾演一個在九一一恐怖攻擊事件中失去家庭的虛構角色,透過他的觀點,描繪事件後 ...


劇情簡介 世上最可怕的事情,不是被悲傷擊垮,而是無法從悲傷中重新站起……多年未曾謀面的查理和艾倫在曼哈頓街角偶遇,他們在大學時代不但是好友,還是同居的室友呢, ...

我們學會擁抱陽光:《從心開始》(Reign Over Me)

2008年2月12日 — 這是電影中我們第一次在白天看到查理的家;而強森終於願意跟自己的妻子吐露心聲,,在一個充滿暖意的午後,兩個男人的生活從新來過;滑板車有了新主人,這 ...

觀看Reign Over Me

Two former college roommates run into each other again and rekindle their friendship. Their chance meeting quickly becomes a lifeline for them, ...